So, I spent my weekend being of service to others and providing and generating a space for transformation to happen.
Have you ever heard of the
Landmark Forum? Maybe that's a good place to start. If not, just know that it is an incredibly powerful tool that is used to help people create lives they want and help them fulfill on what matters and is of importance to them. It is intense, but the reward is beyond words.
What I got for myself this weekend, while being on sound and partnering with the Landmark Forum leaders by providing their voice for the Landmark Forum to happen, was that my whole heart is the world and the people in it. Who I am is absolutely everything. It may sound kind of hokey but I really got that I am nothing without this world I live in and the people in it... every single one of them. If you are reading this, this means you too. I want you to know that I love you from everything in my being. Everything I am and everything I say I am, and I promise to honor you by honoring myself.
Anyway, I just had to say that. I don't want to ever lose it. And, from here on out, I am using my blog to get what I need out of my head so I can have the space to continually create my life for what's next and what's possible.
I now get why
The Panic Room says at the end of every entry, "All the love in the universe," because that's so right there for me. And I so get it for myself. So, to borrow from him...
With all the love of the universe,